Interim Measures at M2M Community Solicitors LLP
Coronavirus measures to protect clients and staff at M2M Community Solicitors LLP
We wish to inform all clients that in order to protect our staff and the clients that we see, where there is a large proportion classed as ‘vulnerable’ that we
have implemented a policy that the majority of appointments we have will now be via the telephone only. This is to ensure that clients do not need to take
unnecessary trips to our office and so we meet with as few people as possible so that we have the ability to carry out the work required.
We will only require clients to attend our offices where they have Last Will and Testaments or Lasting Powers of Attorney to be drafted as such meetings do
require us to ensure that instructions are coming directly from clients without the possibility of any undue influence from others. We will meet with people in
our offices by way of remote contact within our building by skype or other means of face to face virtual conference meetings.
We will also only do so provided that they have not been abroad or come into contact with someone who has been abroad within the last 30 days, that they
have not tested positive or been close to anyone who has tested positive for Coronavirus (as far as a client is aware) and do not have any of the symptoms
we have listed below:
The symptoms are:
- A cough
- A raised temperature
- A shortness of breath
- A blocked or runny nose
- A sore throat
- A headache
- Muscle aches
- Sneezing
- Pressure in your ears and face
- A loss of taste and smell
- An aching body
- Feeling tired or exhausted
- Difficulty sleeping
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhoea or tummy pain
- Feeling sick and
being sick
Any clients attending our office will be asked to use the sanitising gel we provide.
Where we take on any cases which are not Last Will and Testaments or Lasting Powers of Attorney, clients will be asked to attend our reception area to sign the
necessary documentation and provide us with their identification documents in order for us to open a file. All other contact will be by the telephone, email
or letters in the post.
We appreciate that this is not an ideal situation but hope that all clients will understand that it is necessary that we protect our staff and the clients we
meet in order to keep M2M Community Solicitors LLP open and running smoothly.
If any client tests positive after attending an appointment with us, we request that they inform us immediately as we will need to close the office until we are tested in order to protect others.
UPDATE 19 July 2021
We wish to inform all clients and potential clients that whilst we are aware the Government have relaxed restrictions, we are still requiring clients to wear masks when visiting our office, we will still see clients in our ‘client zoom room’ so you will not physically be in the office with us and we will still be socially distancing and wearing PPE when executing Wills, Lasting Power of Attorneys or for other matters. There are hand sanitiser stations in the building and in our ‘client zoom room’ for you to use. If you wish to attend our office you will need an appointment to do so unless you are attending to drop off documents. For further information please email or call 020 8938 4611.